Collaborative Case Management
Collaborative Case Management is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal for health care delivery system case management and transitions of care professionals. Articles are written by practitioners and include strategies, tools and knowledge on topics valuable to your practice. Collaborative Case Management is available to members only.
briefCASE – Online weekly newsletter
What's happening in in the field of hospital case management? The weekly email newsletter briefCASE is your tool to stay informed. briefCASE is distributed weekly via email to all members and contains the most current happenings, events and important dates you need to know - as well as important legislative and research updates.
APLCM Grand Rounds
The APLCM Grand Rounds are a resource available for physician advisors to collaborate on their evolving role in patient care today. The physician-to-physician teaching forum known as a "grand round” began in 1889 by the first professor of medicine, William Osler at John Hopkins Hospital. The term remains in use today across care settings, as does the need for multidisciplinary collaboration across the healthcare continuum to ensure patients receive high-quality, cost-effective and accessible care.
October 2019 Issue 71 - Going on Rounds - A Round Table Discussion
This article contains an open discussion between four physician advisors regarding care round case scenarios. Topics include the structure of rounds based on role, progression of rounds, multidisciplinary rounds and levels of participation, etiquette, key messages, care management, population health and physician advising.
July 2019 Issue 70 - Progression of Care Rounds
This article is a discussion regarding a case scenario on a topical issue involving care management, population health and physician advising. Discussion questions asked of physician advisors regarding rounds design and rounds content include: 1. What is your impression on how progression of care rounds is organized, and how can it be improved? 2. What is your impression of the scenario? Are there any red flags that may need to be addressed in rounds? Are there any utilization, clinical or documentation issues
of concern?
May 2019 Issue 69 - A Physician Advisor Referral from the Emergency Department-The 3 Cs
This article is an expert panel discussion regarding a case scenario on a topical issue involving care management, population health and physician advising. The panel consists of several members of the Association of Physician Leadership in Care Management.
Compass Directional Training
Compass is an online learning system that teaches and tests solid foundational knowledge in case management and physician advisory practices. The system features two comprehensive course libraries – for case managers and for physician advisors.
Content is developed, validated and maintained by an advisory board of practice experts who monitor regulatory and practice changes and make updates.
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Compare is a subscription-based service developed by the ACMA that provides analytics and national benchmarking for avoidable delays and readmissions. This is a comprehensive system that integrates with existing software platforms, standardizes tracking methodology, provides staff education and delivers analytical reports using ACMA's predictive model and data gathered from a national group of similar hospitals. Compare equips case management teams with powerful data to drive change and ultimately improve outcomes.
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National Hospital Case Management Survey
This survey is the only source of comprehensive national benchmarking data for hospital case managers. This survey is conducted through a biennial randomized study of over 400 hospital Case Management departments and produces 95% confidence level data on over 75 elements of the practice. The data has been used in countless organizations around the country for benchmarking, resource justification and practice improvement.
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"I have used the survey results successfully in discussions with my Vice President to demonstrate that we were on the low end of staffing patterns when compared to organizations of similar size. This was the first time she had seen inpatient comparisons."
“At McLeod Health we were happy to see the National Survey data in reference to salaries, as we were starting a new Case Management model, and we had no idea what each discipline should be paid. Our staff was soon upgraded to the national standards for our number of beds, as well as our region. The entire Survey is an excellent tool for Case Management operations.”
“The ACMA survey data has helped our health care organization research a variety of different topics, from our Case Management department reporting structure, to FTEs and salaries. I was successful in securing raises for our staff on two separate occasions, with the ACMA Survey data being the key piece of information to support the increases.”
Education Center
Physician Advisor Articles
The articles provided are published in Collaborative Case Management by practitioners to enhance the knowledge of all physician advisors on different tools and strategies that would be applicable to your practice.
January 2019 Issue 67 – Communicating the Physician Advisor Role
As the primary liaison and the individual who transmits timely and accurate information between attending physicians, case managers, utilization review, IT and hospital administration, the role of physician advisor (PA) is a key component in the delivery of high-quality patient care in the most cost-effective manner. However, an ability to effectively communicate how the physician advisor role benefits the various hospital constituencies can be a major factor in the success of a PA program. This article discusses the importance of this communication, and its impact on patient experience and cost of care.
PA Standards and Scope Press Release
Read the latest ACMA news here.